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Aesthetic & Inspiration

I was influenced by pretty much everything nautical. From ropes to charts to water to ships. I was most influenced by the pattern of coiled ropes and wanted to stack my clock up, but was unable to because I couldn't find a large enough material. However, I still included the texture of the rope as a frame for the clock face. For the background, I was looking at a number of different nautical charts of NYC harbor. Some were lacking a lot of detail because they were almost 300 years old while others were too recent. I eventually went with a chart from 1911 because NYC was still very much in a golden age of overseas shipping and had all of its ports and piers.

One idea I would've loved to explore a bit more, but decided against due to the time crunch, was stacking separate layers to create a typographic map of the sea floor. Kind of like the image below. However, in the end, I loved the way the painted wood looked like and decided to do something similar.

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