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AEON, the latin word for eternity, describing the current time where identity is antiquated. As of 2045, there is no end of life - the advance of CGI and AR technology bring people back to the world as realistic as ever. Scanning one's face and storing it online, people can preserve the best moment of one's life forever and access it on the web for use during social interactions. This 3D replica is now something we take for granted. You no longer have to lament over the loss of a loved one, fear to speak with your own face, or travel a distance to see friends and family. There interactions all come whenever you want them. However, how does out current interactions compare to those when we used to talk face to face.

The exhibition space illustrates how we build relationships with CGI and questions what this relationship is bringing to us today:

01 | What if you let your loved one go?

Thanks to the advance of CGI technology, we don’t need letting go rituals anymore.You don’t have to be afraid of farewell, but what if we did let go? Would it help us advance more in the future?

02 | What if not everything in love is perfect?

Right now you never have a heart break again. Your partner is as perfect as you had ever wish, but could perfection actually be an imperfection in a relationship..? How did faults create stronger bonds in the past? 

03 | What if we had an identity? What would legacy mean in the future?

CGI helps you watch Ryan Gosling and Audrey Hepburn fall in love in the rain. You can even be them by ‘wearing’ their face on yours. However, as their legacy lives on your face, what happens to your own? How do you want to be remembered?

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