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We were looking to create a walk thru experience that relate to CGI and provides the visitors with a provocative line of questioning. There will be elements of obscurity where things will be revealed along the way. There will be a start an and an end. We will start with an introductory hallway with the explanation of each theme. (resurrection, de-aging and dating with CGI) The visitor will interact with 3 projected exhibits and see audio and video surround the CGI themes of: resurrection of the dead, dating, and returning to youth. 

The final booth can be a place where the visitor can actually choose a CGI dating partner with active interactions. The visitors can view and choose CGI people they like to date with, using gesture interaction. We might use the Pepper’s Ghost method for another exhibit if we have time. The interaction in the booth will be recorded so that we can turn it into a short film or mentioned that the user’s image is now added to the directory of images for CGI.

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