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This shot is slightly angled, which was an accident; it's the closest picture I have to a straight-on shot of this overgrown corner. It's a parking space and you can tell from the depressions in the brick where the wheels have pushed in the weight of the car over time. Fallen leaves gather in these spaces, which evokes the theme from the source photos: nature filling in the empty places left when humans inhabit a space and then vacate it. In this same vein, vines surge over the fences and through the slats between posts. The ivy, too, is common to both photo sets. I was fortunate that it's still green and lush while almost all the other foliage has shed its leaves, making it difficult to shoot similar subjects as the source images.

I feel this is reminiscent of the Holzl pictures. It shows a roughly rectangular space open on the left, like the first image above. It also pictures recognizable ruins of human structures being covered and overwhelmed with plant life, and you can peek over the fence to find a busy muddle of plant and structure off in the background (as in the third image above, but through the doorway). The whole scene is in focus, presented "as is."

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