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Because of the location and user experience, instead of using keys to play, Google employees will use their bodies. This allows an active break from work (and something funny to watch passively) to combat health conditions that arise from desk jobs in our modern era. Using motion sensing input devices, something like the Microsoft Kinect, the “player” will be digitally cast as a character on the windows that have a transparent OLED system on them. The player will psychically move left to right to move their character and jump to jump over the cars. The cars on Penn Ave, which will also be detected using a sensor, will be augmented as translucent cartoonized cars so that the user still can play the game while not being fully immersed in a digital world. When that section of Penn Avenue is empty of cars, Google will auto-populate the game based on data from Google Maps of the traffic speeds in Pittsburgh.

The installation will be interactive for those outside the bridge because the transparent OLED system will allow the game to be seen from the outside. Additionally, if the drivers catch on to what is happening, especially those who regularly drive on Penn, they can act as players in the game; by speeding up, slowing down or switching lanes, the drivers can make the game much tougher for the Google employee. (A drawback of this is it may cause reckless driving by those who catch on.)

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