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After hearing some criticism, I decided that a minimalist approach might not be a very good way to represent representation of a musical piece with such richness - there is a lot of detail within the samples and the rhythms, so it should be reflected in the visual representation. I also wanted to relate the piece to some of the ideas expressed in the McLuhan reading, namely the fact that with how technology has advanced, the world has become a place where everyone is your neighbor, and all of the information in the world is available to us at light speed. 

In the center of the image there is a fetus which is surrounded by a circular womb. The "amniotic fluid" consists of images - pictures of nature, of man-made objects, of suffering, and of happiness (not to just represent these things, but to represent the world. Sadly there are only so many images that can fit in there, so these are just some of the things that have been represented). That is the world that we have been born into. All of these objects, people, and events have all made some impact on the world that exist in now. Now with the power of technology we can see more of our world than ever before, both in the present and in the past. 

I chose to replace the book in the center with a fetus because I feel that is more central to the idea of the piece. The events of life do not stem from a single source - instead in the scope of each individual we are the single recipient and life and all its components surround us in a constant stream of events. The story being told is that of the earth and all that has ever occurred in it, and we, as children of the earth, are the listeners.  


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