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The process was challenging…

I first started out naively believing that I could just model the entirety of the face in fusion 360. And I did, I got the profile down to a ‘t“, but then when I turned the model I realized I forgot about the front of the face entirely… And that’s when I resorted to just 3-D scanning my face with the help of a friend.

Then I spent a good day trying to figure out how and where I could 3d scan my face with a friend and got access to an ipad 3d scanner called structrsensor for the low low price of a melted fun size milky way that I had in my pocket.

Figuring that out was an adventure and then I had to try to take everything into meshmixer to cut down and revise which was an experience in and of itself - I then took it into fusion but there were too many facets (75,000) so I took it into meshlab and cut down that number to 900.

Foolishly - I thought that I wouldn’t run into any issues turning the mesh into a body within fusion but that turned into it’s own set of challenges so I took the plan from the slicer fusion plug in and had to edit certain aspects in illustrator before printing.

I also faced many challenges in actually getting the laser-cutter to recognize my files and project them correctly but after many modifications and assistance from a generous monitor, was able to resolve that issue…


After all of the fiascos I 3d-printed the inner components, and lasercut the face and mounting tile.

They had no mirrored acrylic in the ideate lending booth so I went the DIY route

and spray painted the acrylic with mirror spray paint

And attached my scroll and ta-daa!

All done

Below are all of the photographs of the finished thing and some process photos.

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