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Through designing this project I learned a lot about what sort of considerations need to be taken when applying inflatables to a garment: how the inflatables attach to the fabric, the construction of the garment such that a person doesn't have plastic or tubing always on display, and most importantly- how the inflatables inflate. It would be really interesting to make all ten of the quills and their tube connections to see how feasible attaching that many tubes to a fan would be. I feel as though it might be too many to work, and more thought would have to be given to their organization. A potential solution could be using flow ports to branch off from a smaller number of tubes connecting directly to the fan.

Additionally, after making the prototype quill out of plastic, I learned that coated fabrics exist! The coating allows for the fabric to be heat seamed. In the next iteration of this project the quills can be made directly out of fabric instead of requiring a second layer to hide the plastic.

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