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For the most part, what I ended up producing was reasonably close to what I was planning for. A few things surprised me though:

1) No one wind loop I could find adequately captured the sound I was attempting to create. Some were to 'thin', some were too bass heavy, some were too noisy, and some started and ended too abruptly. What I finally ended up doing was combining nearly 7-8 different samples I found into a loop of my own. Onto this, I applied very heavy Reverb to create the impression that the wind was all pervasive and all around the listener.

2) The Wind-Chime and Wind combination worked well beyond my wildest dreams. I was genuinely surprised by how well they complimented each other. The Wind-Chimes end up adding this very unique dimension to my sound. For one, contrary to my prediction, they end up adding to a sense of foreboding instead of contrasting against it. Secondly, on a note I hadn't considered at all, they end up making the listener very consciously aware of the fact that the movie is set in space, since Wind-Chimes would be such a foreign object in space.

3) Getting the scream right was very enjoyable. A human scream, no matter how I spun it, simply couldn't sound 'just barely recognisably like a scream', while still sounding eery and foreboding. Finally, I ended up going with a Hawk Scream, and adding it nearly raw, with very little processing.

I believe I met my objectives well. The discordant Piano Keys work well to surprise the listener, and keep him / her constantly engaged. My piece also manages to build towards a crescendo very gradually at first, and very rapidly later on. Initially, only the wind and chimes can be heard. Then the Piano Keys come in with the letters. After a while, the Piano Keys get more elaborate. Then a Cracking Sound comes in. This cracking sound continues getting stronger and stronger (as if an egg is cracking), until the egg finally breaks with exaggerated explosion sound, that serves to signify the importance of the egg cracking.

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