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Final Design

The final model includes a removable drip tray and a bar that helped keep the bird from flailing about too much. The counterweight was sanded internally to be more easily movable and allow one to adjust the weight a little more easily. 

Bird in Action!

Final Thoughts

The bird behaves much better with the added rod restraint in place and is able to brew tea nicely in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The drip tray gives users the added benefit of a portable coaster that also acts as a drip tray when the tea is brewing. Users can also remove the drip tray and wash it easily in the sink for easy cleanup.

As an added bonus, users are able to remove and dispose of the used tea bag from the mug and bird without having to actually touch the bag (something I've always disliked as part of the tea process). Finally, an elegant way to brew and dispose of tea bags!

Easy clean up! 

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