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#include <movingAvg.h>

// Original values were 200 and then 600
const int PressedMaxThreshold = 550; // 200
const int ReleasedMinThreshold = 650; //300
const byte PinCount = 6;

const byte InputPins[PinCount] = {A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5};
const char KeyCodes[PinCount] = {'d', 's', 'w', 'a', 'z', 'e'};

struct TouchInput
  byte analogPin;
  char keycode;
  movingAvg filter = movingAvg(20);
  boolean wasPressed = false;

TouchInput Pins[PinCount];

void setup()

  for (int i = 0; i < PinCount; i++)
    Pins[i].analogPin = InputPins[i];
    Pins[i].keycode = KeyCodes[i];

void loop()
  for (int i = 0; i < PinCount; i++)
    float currentAverage = Pins[i].filter.reading(analogRead(Pins[i].analogPin));
    boolean previousState = Pins[i].wasPressed;
    boolean currentState = previousState; // Default if in the dead zone
//    Serial.println(currentAverage);

    if (currentAverage < PressedMaxThreshold)

      currentState = true;      // Pressed

    else if  (currentAverage > ReleasedMinThreshold)

      currentState = false;      // Released


    if (currentState != previousState)
//      if (currentState)
//      else
//        Keyboard.release(Pins[i].keycode);
    Pins[i].wasPressed = currentState;
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