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//define the warning led
int redLed = D0;
//define sensors sources
int lightPin = A0;
int lightReading = 0;
int fsrPin = A1;
int fsrReading = 0;
bool isSteal = false;

void setup()
  pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
  //show sensors variables on sparkcloud
  Spark.variable("force", &fsrReading, INT);
  Spark.variable("light", &lightReading, INT);

void loop()
    //get fsr sensor readings
    fsrReading = analogRead(fsrPin);
    //get light sensor readings
    lightReading = analogRead(lightPin);

    bool notTouch = fsrReading <= 100;
    bool lidOpen = lightReading >= 700;

    //light sensor on, fsr off, redled off
    if (notTouch && lidOpen) {
    //light sensor on, fsr on, redled on
    } else if (!notTouch && lidOpen) {
        //someone is stealing, led on!
        digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
        isSteal = true;
        //the warning led will stay on for 10 seconds after the alert system has been activated
        //turn off the warning led after the 10 seconds is over
        digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
    } else {
        digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
        isSteal = false;
        //no one is opening the jar
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