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Once I was satisfied with my cardboard design, I decided it was time to replicate my model with acrylic. I used CorelSoft to create a CAD file of the four pieces. Because my pieces had unorthodox shapes, I did not have precise measurements for the curves and edges. So to create the pieces with a laser cutter, I used a process of trial and error, decreasing or increasing lengths to fit the pieces to a controller. This was one of the two most difficult portions of the process due to the sheer amount of trials that it took to create the perfect pieces. The thickness of each sheet of acrylic was 0.125 inches, so to create an easy to connect piece, I made each connecting piece and hole 0.125 inches x 0.125 inches x 0.125 inches. This was the other most difficult part, because the attachable pieces did not fit into their respective holes. Again, this was another process of trial and error, which resulted in bad fits and many broken pieces. However, I eventually reached a stable, and reliable base and I acquired my final acrylic pieces. 

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