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User Experience

As passers approach Wanderlust Bridge, they see visuals of a destination in the world. Intrigued, the passer slowly walks through the bridge—occasionally stopping to admire the landscape. As the passer approaches the end of the bridge, there is a subtle prompt saying "Experience this in real life" along with a QR code below. The passer scans the QR code and immediately receives the flight search/deal. The passer can continue the search at their discretion or share the flight details with others. 

Passers on the bridge choose how much they would like to experience on the bridge. They can engage with either side of the bridge, as each window will be showcasing the same visual and each end of the bridge has the same prompt and QR code (to minimize traffic jams on the bridge).

Observers from outside can gaze above at the destinations (that will change every 24 hours). 

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