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The game starts when both a pedestrian walking along Penn Ave and an employee at the Google's Offices' bridge accept to play. For that, both users will be asked to introduce their YouTube user names so the central computer can find their musical preferences. The YouTube hosting services will return two lists with their most listened songs, artists and genders and will find a match in this order. If the computer detects a matching song, it will return it; if it is an artist or a gender, it will return a song hosted in any trending list performed by this artist of belonging to this gender. In any case, the game is designed to always return a match, so both users get a reward. At this point the computer will send a video signal to display the message 'It's a match' at the LED display in the bridge. Followed by this message, the selected song will be played simultaneously inside the resting area of the bridge, with a set of indoor speakers, in the street, with a set of outdoor directional speakers so the pedestrian can hear the song while walking along the Google offices building, and it the LED facade will play the video synchronized with the music. Also, the pedestrian will be rewarded a 1-year free subscription to the YouTube Music platform as an incentive to take part in the game.

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