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Wakey’s Techniques:

- Heat up: In the summer, turning on the heating 30 mins before wake up

- Cooldown: In the winter, turning on the air conditioning 30 mins before wake up

-Alarm lights: Flickering the lights on and off

- Refreshing mist: Spraying a cold mist onto your face

- Deal with it now, or deal with a wet bed later: Balancing ice on your face or abdomen that slowly melts and makes sleeping uncomfortable

- Presser: Slowly pressing an object onto your body that increases in pressure to cause discomfort

- Shocking: Administer a slight, nonlethal shock to bare skin

- Can you hear me now?: An alarm that slowly gets closer and closer to your ears as time approaches

- What’s that smell?: Release a rotten food smell that increases in pungency as the time to wake up gets closer

- Slapper: Slapping mechanism that will lightly smack you in the face in the morning

- Friend: Gently taps you and whispers “hey __name__, it’s time to wake up”

- Thief: Slow steals your pillow and blanket from you and puts it on the other side of the room.

- Hide and Seek: Plays a really obnoxious sound while it hides in your room forcing you to get out of bed and turn it off

- Embarasser: Sends embarrassing texts or tweets out on your behalf if you don’t get up

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