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(inspiration - Kusama’s Infinity Mirrors)

We were inspired by Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirrors as well as the different ideas of heterotopias learned in the readings and by the different projects everyone did for class. We decided that the best way to properly represent infinite space, given our own physical, finite limitations, was to make it a VR experience since we thought it would best depict what we were envisioning.

Originally, the plan for the project was to make an apparent infinite space within VR. One inspiration is actually a loading screen in Assassin’s Creed II, where the main character can run in an infinite foggy space. Because it is a third person game, the character model is likely running in place with some directional cloudy effects, but with VR, we had to do something different. VR really put new constraints on games that we didn’t consider.

Therefore, our next idea, infinite rooms with different iterations, was also put under these constraints.

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