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Practice Exercise: Combining Sensors and Inputs

Prepare a simple 2-in (sensors or inputs) 1-out (LED) device (i.e. your project will use three components (resistors and wire don't count!) and at least one must be a sensor). Present a really simple use case for a connected sensor device (perhaps solve a simple problem in your home).

  • Identify an interesting sensor that you'd like to explore.
  • Develop a working circuit with that component and write code to read and make use of information from that sensor (e.g. share the value online, translate it into an output).
  • Add a second component into the mix. This can either be an input (potentiometer, button, switch) or a sensor. Stream readings from both to the Particle Cloud at the same time.
  • Use conditional logic (if statements) to interpret inputs/sensor readings and trigger actions e.g. if the temperature is less than 50 degrees and the button is pushed...
  • Document your work on the Gallery and submit a link below

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