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int servoPin = D2;
Servo myServo;
int servoPos = 0;

void setup() {
    Particle.function("Temperature", servoTemp);
    Particle.function("Weather", servoWeather);
    Particle.variable("ServoPos", servoPos);

void loop() {


int servoTemp(String command) {
    int temp = command.toInt();
    temp = constrain(temp, 0, 100); //make sure it's within range
    servoPos = map(temp, 0, 100, 0, 180); 
    return 1;

int servoWeather(String command) {
    int weather = command.toInt();
    if (weather == 1){
        servoPos = 0;
    } if (weather == 2){
        servoPos = 45;
    } if (weather == 3){
        servoPos = 135;
    } if (weather == 4){
        servoPos = 180;
    return 1;
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