Naturallic’s design process results in design iterations in terms of hardware & software. In hardware, we tested different materials as well as configurations to effectively convey the biophilic feel (of material) as well as light illumination to represent the sunshine. The design iterations involve testing out different configurations of boxes with acrylic, wood & translucent materials (shown in images below). With hardware electronics, different input sensors are being tested to find the best integrated to the system as well as generate great haptic feedback, which results in using a simple button. The short four prongs of the switch made it difficult to latch on top of the LEDs, requiring extra male-female connection. On the software front, multiple code iterations resulted in two different main functions: daylight operations & night operations. The daylight operation function is responsible for light fading through the day, monitoring button press & cancelling button press. Meanwhile, the night operation is responsible for lighting the pressed buttons during the day (code shown below). One setback we had with using while loops in the code is inability to flash the code - requiring hard wire serial bypass.
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