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Reflection and Critique

Discuss what you achieved with the project, what did and didn’t work, what you learned, and what you would do if you took this project forward.

Reflection on Team Roles:

As a team, initially, we decided to not have strict roles of Designer, Developer, and Lead because we didn’t want hierarchy. As we progressed in the project, we learned how tricky it can be for everyone to work on everything together, especially when the project is only 2.5-3 weeks long. So, after some initial discussions for shaping an idea, we had a conversation about each teammate’s learning goals and started dividing our energy into different parts of the idea. This proved to be helpful in the end because it helped us all find a balance between learning new things and bringing our existing skills to the table to do a successful project. 

Critique and Further Steps:

Two of the interesting feedback we received were in regards to form as well as the function. 

In regards to the function, during the discussion, it came up that the device would have much more of a tangible utility, in addition to our proposal, if the base of the device could be used as a charging station. This is possible by using the induction charger.

The other valid point that was raised was that the form itself did not prevent distraction caused by phone because it made the phone easily visible and accessible. Working with a form that added a subtle barrier in accessing the phone might be more helpful.

Content Rating

Is this a good/useful/informative piece of content to include in the project? Have your say!