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Privacy is not secrecy but rather a dynamic process of having control over what one wants to share with selected others and what not (Altman 1975). When seen from this lens, it has three aspects: 

Collecting Information, Deducting / Inferencing, and Sharing. 

Out of these three, the collection aspect is the one most often talked about. To subtly shed light on the less visible other two components of this phenomenon, we created a 'playful' and 'fickle' Gossiping device situated in a co-working space. This gossipper hears everything about the people in its environment and combines it with other things it learns from elsewhere or through observation. It then decides to share this information back with everyone rather publicly, sometimes being helpful, sometimes being hurtful, and sometimes being annoying or even creepy. No one knows of its identity, no one knows when it might share something, but everyone knows it's someone or something around them!

We foresee this Gossiper to be a counterfactual, which over a period of time may even become attached to the people or place it is in.

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