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1. Firstly, the final effect on the presentation is not so stable. Our wires fell off from the pin, and we spent some time debugging the issue by taking all parts apart, which is not professional. Looking further, in the future we should enhance the robustness of the project we want to present. Like we should use soldering to solder those parts together, and so on.

2. Secondly, we can actually create many home devices in parallel, if this project can be extended to a larger one. We can apply the same principle to heat, the TV, and so on. 

3. For the current stage,  the lamp will let people know when they have to hold the lamp to let it keep turning on. It might be a better choice to add a projector to the lamp which can print the sentences on the table or add a voice feature for the lamp.

4. How we should create our prototype highly depends on how we imagine people interact, the context, and the user scenario. The same "spirits in the lamp" in different scenarios would be totally different stories. 

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