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If you had to build this project over summer 2022 and make it a real, working, interactive prototype / improved exhibit for public audiences, what would be involved?

If we had more time we would have liked to create a more robust prototype of the mirror as well as find a better way to hide the camera. The use of perf board was good for a prototype given the amount of time we had, however creating a new mirror out of possibly wood would help to make the person feel as if it were a normal mirror. Also, the placement of the camera on the top of the mirror would sometimes result in tall people who walked too close to the mirror not being detected. To avoid this issue in the future we could have found a way to hide the camera in the middle of the mirror, possibly using two-way mirror glass or a small cutout.  

Additionally, we would explore ways to further personalize the receipt to emulate the breach of privacy. We could possibly incorporate the user's device to extract data the user unknowingly shared. There's a lot of opportunities to explore additional features on the receipt to further the spookiness of the experience. 

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