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To develop the housing of the Last Writes device, After searching for actual e-waste items that could be gutted to house a screen and Raspberry Pi, I settled on an odd shaped computer tower that had both familiar features but also a slightly unfamiliar form factor for a device. This suited the project as a work of design fiction, existing in a world where we have more care for our e-waste devices.

The technical implementation at this point was still quite rough as some of the original functionality that had been imagined proved to be difficult to implement. After struggling with the technical implementation, I made a few decisions to streamline the execution of the device, tailored to how it might be presented for the exhibition.

For the program, I made the decision to hard code the data to demonstrate what sort of information could be gathered from a connected e-waste device rather than having the program gather it automatically. Additionally, the interface for the device came together as a series of print functions controlled by a hardware button inherent to the housing, effectively using the terminal window as an interface rather than building another piece of code entirely. I wrote a brief, but light in tone script for the instructions printed through the program.

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