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Catalogue Description

Last Writes

Credit: Theo Mandin-Lee, CMU MHCI '22

In the cycle of planned obsolesce, we replace devices on an ever-shortening timeline, such that e-waste of old devices has become a growing global problem. These old devices can also collect within our homes, forgotten in the back of a drawer or cabinet and left to later be discovered. Last Writes is a counterfactual machine that exists in a world where we care deeply about our e-waste and our personal attachment to the devices that hold our old data. This device assists in a ritual of returning e-waste as raw material to complete the life cycle of the device. The e-waste device is commemorated by an obituary written by the Last Writes device and printed into physical form. Through recollecting our own memorable experiences and seeing a machine interpretation of the data, we allow our digital past to inhabit the present once again.

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