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//WIP web led test
// single led functions

int LED01 = D2;
int blinkDelay = 1000; //blink delay in millis
int LED_state = LOW;
int blinkCt = 0; 

void setup() {
    digitalWrite(LED01, LED_state);


void loop() {
    if (blinkCt != 0){
        //Single var for blink mode, var -1 used for stay on 
        //Blink count decrements once every high blink

int ledControl(String command){
    String subcmd=""; 
    if (command == "HIGH"){
        LED_state = HIGH;
        blinkCt = 0;
    else if (command == "LOW"){
        LED_state = LOW;
        blinkCt = 0; 
    else if (command == "BLINK"){
        LED_state = LOW;
        blinkCt = -1; 
    else if (command == "BLINK3"){
        LED_state = LOW;
        blinkCt = 3;
    else if (command.substring(0:6)=="BLINK:"){
        subcmd = command.substring(6);
        if (subcmd.toInt() >= 0){
            blinkCt = subcmd.toInt(); 
            LED_state = LOW;
        return -1; 
    digitalWrite(LED01, LED_state);
    return 1; 

void ledBlink(){
    static unsigned long timer;
    if (millis()-timer>blinkDelay){
        if (LED_state == HIGH){
            LED_state = LOW;
            if (blinkCt>0) blinkCt--; 
        else if (LED_state == LOW){
            LED_state = HIGH; 
        digitalWrite(LED01, LED_state);
        timer = millis();

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