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int L1 = A0; // brighter light in the room
int P = A1;  //force sensor detects whether person on bed or not
int R = A2;   // detects light near window
int L2 = A4;  // dim light or night light

int brightness=0;

void setup() {

   // the Spark cloud as 'brightness'
   Spark.variable("brightness", &brightness, INT);

   // Set up pin for output
    //declaring types of pins
    pinMode (L1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode (P, INPUT);
    pinMode (R, INPUT);
    pinMode (L2, OUTPUT);

void loop()

    //declaring integer values for readings from force sensor as well as photoresistor
    int vp= analogRead(P);
    //logic for circuit
    if (vp<1000 && brightness<100)
    // if ambient light is low and no person in the bed switch on bright/main light
    { digitalWrite (L1,HIGH);
    else if  (vp>1000 && brightness<100)
    //if ambient light is low and person present in the bed switch on dim/night light and switch off bright light
    { digitalWrite (L1,LOW);
    digitalWrite (L2, HIGH);
    //all other conditions both lights are off
    digitalWrite (L1,LOW);
    digitalWrite (L2, LOW);
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