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Describe the process you underwent to reach the outcome (problems encountered, how you resolved them, as well as, experiments, hacks, tests, refinements, iterations, failures)

Given that I don't have any foundation in physical computing, this project was initially very challenging. Setting up the breadboard in such a way that the circuit worked was my biggest hurdle to completing the project. I had to troubleshoot quite a bit to discover why my circuit did not seem to work - and after much poking around on the internet and asking my colleagues, I found that the reason the circuit was not working was because one of the wires was not connected to the 'Ground' node on the Photon chip. I had not realized that one of the wires needed to be connected to ground - I thought it could be connected to any position so long as it was on the 'negative' side of the breadboard.

The coding was simple enough; i played around a bit with the timing (i.e. delay), but other than that, no issues.

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