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// Set up global variable for pin so that any configuration changes
// changes can easily and quickly be applied throughout the code 
int led = D2;

//Set up status variable to check the state of the power - is it on
//or is it off? 
bool status = LOW; 


//Setup function configures the initial state of the microcontroller
//In this case, the microcontroller will be set to off when 
//the program first runs. 
void setup() {
    pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
    //This code makes the functiona accessible via the cloud
    Particle.function("ledControl", ledControl); 

//Loop function repeats the actions in it repeatedly
//until the microcontroller is turned off (removed from power)
void loop() {
    digitalWrite(led, status); 

//If the command "on" is received, the LED is turned on
//If the command "off" is received, the LED is turned off
int ledControl (String command) {
    if(command.equals("on")) {
        status = HIGH;
        return 1; // This indicates that the 'on' command was successfully received and exectued
    if(command.equals("off")) {
        status = LOW; 
        return -1; // This indicates that the 'off' command was successfully received and exectued
    return 401; //This indicates that there is an error
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