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The first step in creating this device was to assemble the circuit. This was very straightforward and only involved placing the Argon on the breadboard and connecting the Neopixel strip to pin D2. The next step was to create the code that would control the Neopixel fading. In order to not tie up the board processor for 15 minutes, the millis() command was used to check for the passage of time and incrementally fade the Neopixel. A meetingStart function was created to handle incoming requests from the particle cloud. When called, this function starts the fading of the Neopixel. The next step was to handle the google calendar integration. This was performed by using IFTTT, which can integrate google calendar natively. IFTTT was configured to execute a webhook that calls the meetingStart particle function when there is a meeting on my calendar in 15 minutes. This required inputting the particle cloud URL and authorization key for my particle account.

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