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Resulting Prototype

Our first prototype consists in using a water level detection sensor to communicate to our Particle; from here we code different water levels, such that when water is filled up, the water detection sensor can inform us with data. Once we connected this to our Particle, we coded different water levels such that once each of those levels is achieved, we have different outcomes. Finally, we connected our Particle device, using IFTTT to the Phillips Smart LED lightbulb. Our first run is demoed below in the video (view in full screen mode to see video in best quality; code and screenshots provided below as well).

The video below shows one of us filling up a water container, and once the water hits a specific height, we instructed the lightbulb to change from green to red (green indicating that the water level is in a safe condition, red indicates it is filling up).

The List of Components is also shown below.

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