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// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <neopixel.h>

//Set pixel COUNT, PIN, and TYPE 
#define PIXEL_COUNT 8
#define PIXEL_PIN D2
#define PIXEL_TYPE WS2812

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN, PIXEL_TYPE);

int cRed = 25;        //to track the value of Red color
int cGreen = 25;        //to track the value of Green color
int cBlue = 25;        //to track the value of Blue color

bool calAlert_Status = false;       //to check if the calender alert occured
unsigned long lastUpdate;       //to check track the time usin millis()
unsigned long now =0;           //to check track the time usin millis()

void setup() {

    strip.begin();;   //Initialize all pixels to 'off'
    //Particle function on cloud
    Particle.function("Cal_Alert", setCalAlert);
    //Switch on each pixel all at once with cool white color
    for(int i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++){
        strip.setPixelColor( i, cRed, cGreen, cBlue);


void loop() {
    if (calAlert_Status == true){
        //Fade to red
        now = millis();
        if ((now - lastUpdate) <= 900000){
            cRed = map((now - lastUpdate), 0, 900000, 20, 255); 
            cGreen = map((now - lastUpdate), 0, 900000, 0, 25); 
            cBlue = map((now - lastUpdate), 0, 900000, 0, 25); 
                cGreen = 0;
                cBlue = 0;
            if (cRed <= 255) {
                for(int i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++){
                   strip.setPixelColor( i, cRed, (25-cGreen), (25-cBlue));
           calAlert_Status = false; 
           Particle.publish("MeetingStarted-FadingtoWhite");    ////publishing meeting notification in cloud
        //Back to cool white
        now = millis();
        if (((now - lastUpdate) >= 900000) && ((now - lastUpdate) <= 1800000)){
            cRed = map((now - lastUpdate), 900000, 1800000, 0, 230); 
            cGreen = map((now - lastUpdate), 900000, 1800000, 0, 25); 
            cBlue = map((now - lastUpdate), 900000, 1800000, 0, 25); 
            if (cRed > 25){
                for(int i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++){
                   strip.setPixelColor( i, (255-cRed), cGreen, cBlue);

//Function to get calendar alert from IFTTT through cloud
int setCalAlert(String command){
    if(command == "True") {
        calAlert_Status = true;
        lastUpdate = millis();
        Particle.publish("CalenderAlert-FadingtoRed");      //publishing alert received on cloud
        return 1;
    return -1;
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