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For my final deliverable, I created a fan that had an LED strip attached to the outer rim and when plugged into power, the LED strip would represent the “energy” levels with specific color output. The fan was hooked up to an arduino that has a temperature and humidity sensor. I based the “energy” levels of the fan from the temperature difference of the air over a specific interval of time. If the temperature dropped a significant amount over the period of time, I could conclude that the fan had to work hard to decrease the air temperature and thus would be tried. In these cases, the LED would shine red to indicate to the user that the fan was tired and might need a break/ shut off. If the temperature change was somewhat significant the LED would be yellow and if the change was nonexistent the LED would be green. With regards to lighting up, the green lights up bulb by bulb at a faster rate than the red lights up to indicate the fan itself is getting tired and thus cannot light itself up as fast.

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