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This project was primarily an exploration of animistic technology, and how I might subvert the typical user experience of a product in an engaging way. Technological animism is a concept in which technology is attributed with human-like qualities, such as emotions, intentions, and agency.

This concept of imbuing technology with human-like qualities is not entirely new - often designers attempt to give technology a semblance of “personality” as a shorthand to create an engaging, personable user experience. However, through Timmy Toaster, I wanted to push that concept - what if home appliances that were moody, temperamental, and as in need of attention and entertainment as the people who use them?

What I ended up building was a toaster that, like a person, wants something to read or watch over breakfast. The toaster refuses to cook for you unless it has some quality reading placed in front of it, and unfortunately has a short attention span.

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