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My prototype initially began with the Arduino and its temperature sensor, a NeoPixel LED strip, and a toaster. Later on, I added a servo motor in order to physically illustrate the idea that the toaster would not work.

The final prototype has a LED attached to the bottom rim of the toaster, with a servo attached to the front edge. The servo has a popsicle stick attached to it, and the default position of the stick is underneath the tab of the toaster that needs to be pulled down in order to toast. When the toaster feels that it has been sufficiently heated up, the servo will rotate out, allowing the user to use the toaster. The LEDs blink blue when the toaster is “shivering”, but when the toaster is warmed up, the LEDs will turn green, and then hold red for 5 seconds unless the temperature is kept.

Bill of Materials:

1 Toaster

1 Nano 33 BLE Sense

1 Breadboard

3 Male-Male Jumper Wires

1 30 Count NeoPixel LED Strip

1 Servo

1 Popsicle Stick


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