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Give examples of prior work, ideas and projects that influenced your design. What work informed this idea i.e. make links to the material in class and the cases/projects you uncovered in this module. Describe theory, concepts, and research from this module that relate to your outcome. 

For the 2nd case study, I covered techno-animism in the case of military robots (MARCbot) and how they have become viewed as 'comrades' by active soldiers. In Think Piece #1, I discussed animism through the lens of materialism. From these explorations, I came to the conclusion that one's initial expectations for the behavior of an object is one of the biggest factors of animism and is arguably more important the object itself. Once the object transcends our expectations for it, we cannot help but project animism onto it. 

Of the precedents presented in class, the on that was the most influential to the my thinking was Objective Realities by Simone Rebaudengo and Bruce Sterling. The idea of "see[ing] and act[ing] in a virtual smart home with the capabilities and limitations of a specific object" was an intriguing paradigm. It led to the question "How might an electrical appliance [ie. a socket] experience a space?" which led to "What can a socket experience?", "What interactions does a socket have?" and "How can I communicate this experience?"

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