Bill of materials -
1x breadboard
1x lamp
1x Arduino
1x LED strip (cut down into smaller strips later)
3x male to male wires
Hot Glue
Libraries used - Adafruit Neopixel by Adafruit and APDS9960 by Arduino
My first prototype had me cut the LED strip so that I only had 10 LEDs, but afterwards I decided to separate the indicator LEDs and lighting LEDs. I had to solder the two strips together, and did so like the picture below.
Final Product (Demo)-
The lamp gets dimmer (until the lights are off) or brighter depending on if you are in proximity or not. The happiness decrease speed has been sped up in the demo.
There mood is indicated on a scale of 3 LEDs, with 3 green being the best happiness and 3 red being the worst.
When the lamp is "angry", it will either turn off for a few seconds as it did in the demo, or flash red.
Product Flow -
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