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My initial prototype consists of the Arduino and an LED strip that changes color based on the temperature throughout the day. To add some spookiness, I wanted to give the doorbell this idea of seeking attention. As I started testing with the LED strip, I realized what if I turned this into a lamp which led me to make an acrylic lamp. 

The final product has 2 parts. The first part if the doorbell which is connected to the Arduino in order to know whether it was pressed or not. The second part is the LED strip and the lamp. I created an LED strip tube using wood so I can place it at the end of the lamp (a bent acrylic sheet) so that the light can travel through the acrylic. The sensor on the Arduino will sense the temperature which then will change the lamp color. When it gets warmer, the light will turn more red, and when it’s colder, it’ll turn more blue/white indicating snow. If you do not interact with it within the time it wants you to (the attention-seeking part), it will start changing the light animation to let you know that it wants your attention.  

Parts used in this project:

1x Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

1x 8-pixel LED strip

1x acrylic sheet (10cm x 40cm)

7x jumper wires 

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