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I think the most difficult part of the project is actually deciding on an idea. I had several ideas but I wasn’t particularly interested in them because it felt like incorporating the input/output for the sake of incorporating it. Since I wasn’t set on the idea until much later, I explored a lot with the sensors and LED strip libraries to see what was possible. This eventually led me to the idea of controlling LED colors and animation using temperature input and the amount of attention the user is paying to the doorbell. Another big challenge was getting the code to work. Because “attention” is determined by how often the doorbell is pressed, time calculation is a key piece that was tricky to work with. Using the time library gave me weird errors that caused my Arduino to function weirdly (not connecting to the IDE) so I had to use a delay to determine how much time has passed. My favorite part of this project is the acrylic light part. I’ve never bent acrylic before so it was very cool to see how I could form all kinds of shapes with it.   

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