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    1. Learning about Arduino Nano: It is very compact, and most of the basic elements were already embedded into the board. It saves a lot of time to worry about the connection of the wires. I started by controlling two LEDs simultaneously; one is on, and the other is off. I used the loop on the side of the loop so that the code didn't get too long. Also, from the test, I learned that RGB LEDs work the opposite way from the other built-in LEDs. It turns on when it is "LOW," and it turns off when it is "HIGH."
    2. Learning about RGB color sensors: The challenge with RGB color is it quires the light to read the colors, and the colored object blocks the light.
    3. Morse code with LED: I tried to make the morse code with the LED to transfer the code to the relay quickly. I tried the random() to create the random integer to select the color and ended up giving at least 20 random numbers so that it has time to work as a regular fan, and only the three numbers (0, 1, 2) will trigger the speaking.
    4. Understanding the physical object intervention: I have been playing with Arduino; however, I never interrupted the objects with Arduino. It was more of a mental challenge than a technical challenge. The scariest part was plugging into the high-voltage outlet; however, I overcame the barrier after the test.
    5. Calibrating the color sensor: It has been an issue with the shade of the physical card blocking the sensor. I changed the code from comparing the level of color to comparing the relations between R, G, and B itself to determine the color of the card. It allowed me to work in a darker environment as well. However, the daily light already has too much red in it by nature. I had to calibrate manually to be able to compare these three levels.
    6. Do-While-: I had a hard time putting the action into the while loop because sometimes the initial numbers satisfied the conditions, and it just doesn't go into the loop. Then I found the 'do-while-' loop so that I could force to put it inside of the loop.

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