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My prototype started with testing the proximity sensor and LED light with an Arduino. Then I tested the socket with the relay to control it. In the end, I made a physical cube to hold the socket and connect the Arduino with LED strips and relays.

The Hungry Socket has a mouth and eyes on its front face so that the user can easily recognize and put the paper ball in its mouth to feed it. The socket is located on the top face where people can easily find and charge their devices. The LED strip is stuck along the top face, which is obvious to notice. A handle on the bottom of the front face indicates to people to open it. Inside the physical body of Hungry Socket, lay the Arduino with a breadboard. There’s a slope directing paper balls to the Arduino but are not able to touch the Arduino directly. The distance between them enables the ball to drop to the box at the bottom of the cube, which can be accessed by the user when they pull the handle from outside.

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