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This prototype is the first project I did with Arduino, which is a really interesting experience for me. Though I met some difficulties with the coding, interactions, physical models, and time management, I’m glad that I made it happen.

When thinking about the input and output with the Arduino, to some extent, I was limited to the ‘distance’ and ‘blink’ for the input and output. Maybe I can do better if I have time to explore more and dive deeper into different components. The resources provided in the class are really helpful, and I would like to explore more with them. I think I spent a lot of time just thinking about it instead of directly doing it. After this prototype work, I just realized how important it is to make it work, instead of making it perfect. There are always more problems than I assume when starting to do the job. It’s more important to learn from the process of solving different problems.

All in all, it’s really a wonderful experience to work on this project. 

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