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Open Questions and Next Steps: 

While CoinMind is a functional prototype, there are still some unresolved issues that need to be addressed for future explorations. One area of concern is the accuracy of the machine learning model used to determine the outcome of the coin toss. While we have trained the model using sound data, though we already made a set of data of noise, there may be other factors that influence the outcome that we have not yet considered. Also, there may still be variations in how users toss the coins that could affect the outcome. In future explorations, it would be important to continue refining the machine learning model and testing it with different user groups to ensure that the predictions are as accurate as possible. Another question raised by this project is the potential spookiness of technology that seeks to predict the future. While divination practices have been used for centuries, the incorporation of machine learning and technology into these practices raises questions about how people perceive the role of technology in their spiritual and personal lives. These questions remain to be addressed as technology continues to play a larger role in our daily lives.

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