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Open Questions and Next Steps: 

Apart from the technical challenges that we faced, the conceptual feedback for the project focused around how to make the project feel more spooky. One question was about how the predictions might become more spooky in the ways that they relate both the western and vedic horoscopes.

One interesting question that came up was how can a device like AstroFusion make someone create an interest in astrology for someone who isn’t invested? Astrology is a topic that can be polarizing, but one comment during the review was about how AstroFusion can begin to make these differences in cultural astrological beliefs more interesting.

One piece of feedback that we received regarding the physical device was having the color cards go into a slot, rather than being slid over top of a sensor. Another comment was to consider the physical context of the device, and how one might come across it. This also tied into a comment about having more instructions along with the device, as it is a bit difficult to understand without explanation. 

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