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  • We took a parallel development approach to the project. While David worked more with the Arduino, I focused on the tweet generation. For the tweet generation, I broke the project down into components. I needed to be able to read the Arduino output, use OpenAI to generate a tweet, and take an image template and edit it with the generated text. I started by doing preliminary research on each component to determine feasibility. From there, I worked on each component one by one until I finished it. At the same time, David worked on the sensor/Arduino side of things, primarily spending most of his time on the TFT screens, which was causing serious issues with its screen clearing speed.

  • When faced with major obstacles both David and I relied heavily on documentation that existed online to try to solve our issues.

  • One major design decision we had to make was whether or not to generate the tweet based on randomness or based on a trained dataset using Edge Impulse. We decided on going with a random tweet as we decided it’d be too difficult to classify different actions based just on the proximity sensors' movement detection.

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