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In the end, we were very happy with the results of this project. While our grand ambitions at the start regarding our ML audio capabilities were not quite achieved, we think the effect created by the device, and the embodied experience of using it were very successful. And while we ran into some technical difficulties (having to recompile every demo was not ideal!), our feedback was very positive, and people seemed to enjoy the experience of ‘tea reading’ with our device.

In the future, there are some obvious technical challenges that should be ironed out. However, to expand on our scope and intention, I think we could do more to evoke the overarching experience of tasseography. Perhaps including animated lights, and more dynamic screens inside of the cup could have lent to a more exciting reading experience. Furthermore, we got some great suggestions to utilize the lights to illuminate the cup itself. This could lend some drama to the experience, which would again, lend to a more immersive experience.

These technical shortcomings aside, I do think that our provocation was very effective. At the very least, it has prompted many discussions and opportunities for improvement. If we had more time, it would be fascinating to run down any of these rabbit holes. 

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