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Open Questions and Next Steps: 

For our next steps, we want to think about how to better use the OLED screen and the visual aspects. Right now, we have different animations for each user interaction; however, it takes a while to load because of all the pixels, which means users have to wait til the animation is done loading. Several of the guests pointed out that the screen can be used for something more intimate instead of the one that’s providing instant feedback. The screen could be on the bottom/inner side of the wrist (right now it’s on the top/outer side) and provide detailed information on compatibility or user interactions. We also want to add something that provides quick reactions, like an LED or a buzzer so that users can know, in the moment, whether they match with someone else. Lastly, we also hope to provide more recommendations and summaries on the meanings of horoscopes, the people our users meet throughout the day, and how they could interact with them to increase their match.      

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