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Open Questions and Next Steps: 

There are many different areas of palmistry we have yet to explore. For instance, there are the other palm lines, such as the Head Line, Life Line, Marriage Line, Fate Line and Sun Line. There are also broader areas of the palm which are each associated with a planet, which could tie into some concepts from astrology.

Furthermore, Golan Levin proposed a really interesting idea we would love to follow up on which gave a ‘Missed Connections’ - type spin to the project. He really liked the idea of a ‘palm-mate’/ soulmate and that despite the information given by the fortune teller, there was no guarantee you would find someone with a matching symbol. He proposed that we should install the machine at a bus stop next to a bulletin board. The machine would print 2 copies: one for the user to keep and carry around, the other for the user to pin up on the bulletin board, waiting for its future matching ‘partner’. This narrative of ‘fate’ ties really well into the core concept of palmistry which believes that our fates are encoded in our hands. Moreover, it was ‘spooky’ because there were so many uncertainties - you never really knew if there was ever going to be a ‘palm-mate’, whether they would ever respond to your posting, or whether they actually were ‘compatible’ with you, yet you couldn’t help but hope. 

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