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For our project, we decided to create a “palm reader" that would read the length of the user's ‘love line’ (i.e. the uppermost palm crease line) and print an ‘oracle symbol’ and a short piece of text describing the user’s love fortune. With the fortune slip in hand, the user would then look for their ‘palm-mate’ who had received the same ‘oracle symbol’.

(System Diagram)

(Final Working Prototype)

On the top, we have a line of IR proximity sensors which would read values from the person’s palm. Each of the IR sensors are soldered onto a protoboard which connects each sensor to a power line, ground line, one of two CD4051 multiplexers, and 220Ω and 5.6kΩ resistors respectively. On the side is the thermal printer which would print the ‘love fortune’. This is connected to the Arduino Nano 33 BLE and an external 9V power supply. Due to the physical complexity of the project, installation into the physical housing was split into two compartments. The IR sensors and protoboard and the thermal printer sit in a smaller top level. All of the wires thread through a hole down to a lower compartment that houses two breadboards - one for the multiplexers, the other for the Arduino BLE.

(Before Assembly)

(Internal housing structure)

In order to parse the values read by the IR sensors, we had to split them up and connect them to two CD4051 multiplexers. In the code this required writing our own ‘readMux’ function that would iterate through each of the pins on the multiplexer and compile the values from both multiplexers into an array.

Additionally, we use ML twice. First, we pass the array of values from the IR sensors into an Edge Impulse model that returns a prediction of the current user’s palm length, and a reading of ‘good’, ‘bad’ or ‘ambiguous’. Depending on the reading (i.e. ‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘ambiguous’), one of 9 ‘oracle images’ is chosen. The reading is then sent as a prompt to OpenAI via the OpenAI API, asking it to generate a ‘good love fortune’, ‘ambiguous love fortune’ or ‘bad love fortune’ within 100 words. This is printed below the image.

Bill of Materials:

Working Code:

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